Day 12: There is Pooh everywhere!

The floor of the isolation room is considered dirty. So if Pooh touches the floor that makes Pooh dirty too. That means Nadia can’t play with her dirty Pooh. She needs a clean one because she has no immune system.

To make it through the day with minimal meltdowns, we have multiples. Multiple trains, multiple Jellys. Before coming to the hospital, Jelly was by far her favorite stuffy. She now has an equal liking to Pooh.

Nadia’s uncle gave her Pooh in the fall. He visited us at BC Children’s and picked up Pooh in the gift shop. Nadia’s cousin Kip loves his Pooh. When we came back to the hospital this time Nadia started taking more interest in her Pooh. After she dropped him on the floor and we had to kick dirty Pooh out the door we went back to the gift shop to get some backup Poohs.

They were sold out!

We checked a few places in town and could not find any Poohs. We had to order backups online.

We would last about 2 days before Nadia would drop Pooh on the floor. Yesterday she had her Pooh back for 10 mins before dropping him. Sigh.

But yesterday her Poohs arrived in the mail. And now we have spares! Check out the video below of Nadia being reunited with her Pooh.

Geoff – look at what you have created!


A line of Pooh


One Pooh is going East and the other Pooh is going West, so what?


We love Pooh!

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