Day -15: many specialists, more tomorrow

Yesterday we had a bit of a lull in the morning and went for a brisk walk. It is cold (for Vancouver), but sunny! We then went back to Children’s to see Dermatology.

Today was jam-packed. We only saw 3 specialists, and the schedule on paper looked like we had lots of time. We had endocrinology, genetics, and cardiology. Each one was scheduled for 1.5 hr and there was an hour between appointments, but somehow they all ran together. Tara and Thor missed lunch and were grumpy, but Nadia had one of her best days at the hospital! The cardiac ultrasound went ~very~ well. She hardly fussed. 🙂

Nadia’s CVC line does not seem to bother her any more. In order to prevent her from pulling it out, we have been told to put tape on the end of the lines and pin them to the inside of her shirt. At first it was a bit wild trying to pin it to her shirt with Nadia waving her arms around. She is much calmer now when we do it. She is really good.

The specialists did not have to much to say at this point. It is more of a ‘baseline’ assessment for both DC and the bone marrow transplant. Tomorrow we see the BMT team and will get some updates on the treatment plan.

Below is a fun video of Nadia and Tara playing See Saw. Anyone recognize the background music?

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