Day -5: Still full of beans

Nadia sings along with Rio:

Today we had a pretty uneventful day, which is weird to say, bc Nadia still got a chemo drug, and still had to take 2 oral medications one to protect her liver the other to help with nausea, we are feeling very blessed as a family as there have been no major side effects of the chemo drugs thus far. That may change tomorrow as the drug she starts tomorrow is known to make you more sick and barfy. She took full advantage of being IVy free. She was not as rambunctious as yesterday, but still full of energy. And we finally got a good 2 hour nap into her, first one since checking into the Hyatt, I mean BCCH.  😛

She is even taking oral medicines better than I would have expected.

Nadia was visited by a doctor from infectious diseases yesterday, these guys are always consulted before a BMT. They were happy to report that Nadia was clear of all the virus’s they screen for pre-BMT as well as the donor Cord Blood. For example,  Cytomegalovirus (CMV or herpes virus) amongst other ones.  This is good news, as they can flare up during the isolation faze and wreck havoc on her recovery and set her back. So a few victories that we celebrated today plus the Canadian gold medal win in women’s bobsled! Whoop whoop!

We also had 3 visitors today. Thank-you Corree for coming by this afternoon, and helping to distract Nadia for a bit and refraining yourself from not eating the playdough. Nadia was looking for you after you left.

And thank-you Cam and Suzanne for our Pho to Go. Mmmmm. and the cookies. So for some of you who don’t know Nadia that well, Nadia is a bit boy crazy, and by this I mean, she LOVES men. For example, if she sees a boy in the play room she runs right up to him and really tries to play with him, or kiss him or hug him. Or if she is lucky enough to have a nurse that is a guy, she never cries or fusses when they try to do vitals or hook her up to IVy. Not sure what this translates into, but let’s just say, all the guys are like putty in her hand. Am I right Cam?

And how about that Latvian goalie!!


Nadia was playing doctor. What she lacks in size & formal training she makes up for in number of stethoscopes! 🙂


Nadia loving play dough


Nadia loving Cam (and Jelly and Pooh Bear)


Nadia runs around the playroom


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